My name is Amy and I’m a wife and mom of 3 who loves running marathons, Disney World, and helping people lead intentional lives.

I’ve spent a lot of my life as a box checker. Maybe you can relate.  Have you checked all the boxes that are supposed to make you happy – attended your dream university, fantastic job offer after graduating, got married, had kids, more great jobs working at the BEST companies, more promotions – and you feel like there’s still something missing?

Maybe you’ve felt guilty for wanting more, when by all accounts, you “should be” happy?

Believe me, I get it.  I’ve been there! I had so many things in my life to be grateful for and wasn’t sure why I felt so empty.

And here’s what I figured out…

When you spend so much time checking boxes that seem like the right ones to be checking, but are ultimately disconnected from your inner compass, you eventually lose sight of who you are, what makes YOU happy, and the life and work you’re really supposed to be pursuing.

Feeling disconnected from who you are is painful, and you can ignore it for awhile (years, actually!), but at some point your unrest will bubble to the surface in potentially destructive ways.

For me, it manifested in weekly panic attacks.  There within lies the purpose behind why I feel so passionate about my role as coach and why I work to challenge women to lead more intentional lives. I never want another woman to wake up one day and wonder how the heck she got to where she is. If we continually ignore the unrest within we risk leading an unremarkable life.

Don’t ignore yourself. Don’t lead your life based on what someone else thinks is right for you. Constantly push to know yourself so well that each choice is clear and aligns with your values. This journey isn’t easy, but there is such beauty in the mess. Redefine success. Redefine why it is you are on this earth and the impact you want to make. You are more powerful than you know.

My Beliefs

I believe that having fun is essential.

I believe that we can take back control of our schedules and live in congruence with what matters most.

I believe in the ability to have it all, but not do it all.

I believe that vulnerability is power.

I believe that the definition of success lies with the individual.

I believe that within each person lies a unique and valuable story.

Top 3 Favorite Running Races:

New York City Marathon

Goofy Challenge at Disney World

Westfield, NJ Turkey Trot

Favorite Movies:

When Harry Met Sally

Forrest Gump

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


You know you were meant for more, let’s get moving in that direction.